University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0896
Survey Title Present and Future of University Education: Nationwide Survey of University Education, 2010
Depositor Center for Research on University Management and Policy, The University of Tokyo
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' at SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This survey asks university faculty from around the country about their relationship with and thoughts regarding their own university education. The survey was conducted to serve as a foundation for discussions related to the future of university education in this country.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Faculty (lecturers and higher) from the departments of national, public, and private universities throughout the country
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Number distributed: 16,991 people, responses: 5,311 people (national universities: 1,876 people, (other) public universities: 444 people, private universities: 2,965 people), response rate: 31.3%
Date of Collection 2010-02-12 ~ 2010-03-15
2010/02/12 – 03/15
Time Period 2010 ~ 2010
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Systematic random
Random sampling via systematic sampling of one in ten members of the population (all faculty) individuals (16,991 in total) from the National University Faculty Registry, 2006.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Postal survey (self-administered survey, distributed and collected by postal mail)
Center for Research on University Management and Policy, The University of Tokyo
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0896
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items (1) Field of specialization and number of class periods
Field of specialization
Number of class periods

(2) Regarding main courses you teach
Number of students
Importance of the class
Methods and effects of the class
Motivation of attending students
Academic ability of attending students
Thoughts on factors that interfere with your lessons
Expected study time for your class
Student attendance for your class
Student comprehension
Grade distribution

(3) Current state and directions for improvement of university education
Conditions for creating better classes
Things your department/division is doing towards this end
Things you do when setting your curriculum towards this end
Strategy for improvement of university education
Directions and their importance for future improvement of university education
Thoughts on graduate education

(4) About yourself and the school to which you are affiliated
Things you have experienced as an FD
Things your school is doing towards this end
Evaluation of your university
Issues with your university
Establishment of your university
Thoughts on university management
Distribution of your time during the term
Thoughts on university education
Respondent profile (age/gender/hometown)
Process by which you became a university professor (age at which you became a professor/work experience outside of university/experience studying abroad before becoming a professor)

*For details on survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2015/07/30
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Higher and further education
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Version 1 : 2015-07-30
Notes for Users Question 23: Name of university is not publicly available. Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.