University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1079
Survey Title Youth Cohort Study of Japan, 2007-2011
Depositor Akio Inui, Director, Youth Cohort Study of Japan 2007-2011
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary Since the mid-1990s, the circumstances surrounding the transition of young Japanese professionals from school to work underwent a rapid and radical change. Irregular forms of employment such as part-time jobs and unemployment spread among the youth, forcing a large number of new graduates to opt for processes different from the traditional route of being recruited as permanent employees and settling into a job.

This survey was designed and conducted to gain an accurate understanding of the transformation in the transition process of young people described above.

In 2007, the first year of the survey, a written request and questionnaire were sent to surveyees across Japan aged 20 years as of April 1, 2007, sampled randomly by a two-stage stratification process. A total of 1,687 answers were obtained using the visit-and-collect method.

This paper survey was conducted once every year between October and December until 2011. Initially, only four surveys had been planned until 2010, but since the response rate from the second survey exceeded expectations significantly, the fifth survey was carried out with the consent of the participants. A total of 891 answers were obtained in the last survey.

Since this was a panel survey, questions concerning the young adults' current education level, profession, and daily life were asked each year using the same items. Questions gathering data on their past information were concentrated in the first survey. Therefore, the first survey notably features many items related to their previous academic and professional backgrounds, and attribute (hierarchical) information.

From the second survey onward, the number of items concerning the past was reduced progressively, and other questions inquiring about the current situation from different angles were added.

Another remarkable characteristic of this survey is that it adopted a question format in which the respondents were expected to write the events and position changes that took place in the preceding year in the form of a calendar. With this approach, it was possible to collect data on changes in employment status of each respondent between their late teens and mid-20s (for example, from student to formal employee, from non-regular to regular employee, from regular employee to unemployed, and others) with a certain degree of precision.

This survey was conducted by the "Study Group on the Education and Career Development of Young People." This study group was founded as part of the "Comprehensive Study on Changing Adolescence" (2005-2007), a special study by the Japanese Educational Research Association. The group also prepared a follow-up survey (panel survey) on the transition process of young professionals from school to work/society and conducted this survey as part of a special study titled "Study on Education and Career Development of Young People" (2008-2010).
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Men and women in Japan aged 20 years as of April 1, 2007
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size
[First survey(2007)]
Number of TargetsValid responsesValid response rate
Primary survey3750123833.0%
Secondary survey50811923.4%

(*The following numbers are based on the total of primary and secondary surveys)

Number of TargetsValid responsesValid response rate
[Second survey(2008)]1314109783.5%
[Third survey(2009)]109795787.2%
[Fourth survey(2010)]93785391.0%
[Fifth survey(2011)]81775091.8%

[First survey(2007)]
Number of TargetsValid responsesValid response rate
Primary survey75032943.9%
Secondary survey10110.0%

(*The following numbers are based on the total of primary and secondary surveys)

Number of TargetsValid responsesValid response rate
[Second survey(2008)]30022775.7%
[Third survey(2009)]22718481.1%
[Fourth survey(2010)]17515689.1%
[Fifth survey(2011)]15414191.6%

[First survey(2007)]
Number of TargetsValid responsesValid response rate
Primary survey4500156734.8%
Secondary survey51812023.2%

(*The following numbers are based on the total of primary and secondary surveys)

Number of TargetsValid responsesValid response rate
[Second survey(2008)]1614132482.0%
[Third survey(2009)]1324114186.2%
[Fourth survey(2010)]1112100990.7%
[Fifth survey(2011)]97189191.8%
Date of Collection 2007 ~ 2011
October to December every year between 2007 and 2011
Time Period 2007 ~ 2011
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Systematic random
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Stratified: Proportional
Probability: Multistage
(1) Definition of the target number of samples
The target of this survey was to secure 250 cases from Okinawa and 1,250 cases from other regions in the first survey. This target was defined based on a number that could still be analyzed even if the number of samples in the final survey was halved and with due consideration of the budgetary constraint.

(2) Creation of a stratification table and definition of the number of locations and the target number of samples by location
After defining the target number of samples as described above, these samples were allocated to the locations across the country.

The country was divided into nine blocks (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Koshinetsu, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu), which were further divided by city size through three stages (18 large cities, cities with over 100,000 people, and other municipalities), thus creating 27 segments in all. The population data in the Basic Resident Register as of March 31, 2006, were inserted in these segments, and the 1,250 samples (the target number) were allocated to each segment so as to be proportional to the population distribution.

For Okinawa, the prefecture was divided into five blocks (North, Center, Naha, South, and Miyako Yaeyama), which were further divided by city size in two stages (cities with over 100,000 people and other municipalities), thus creating ten segments in all. Finally, the 250 samples were allocated to each segment.

(3) Selection of the survey method and definition of the total number of samples
Since all surveys after the second one were likely to be affected seriously in case the target number of samples could not be secured in the initial survey, a two-step survey plan was built for the initial survey to mitigate that risk.

First, as a first step in the initial survey, it was decided to extract four times the target number of samples for Okinawa and three times that of the other regions; that is, 1,000 samples from Okinawa (508 men and 492 women) and 3,750 from the other regions (1,923 men and 1,827 women), totaling 4,750 samples in all (*). The number of men and women allocated was proportional to the population ratio between the two.

Moreover, assuming that a secondary survey would be conducted for locations where the target number of samples (6 to 11 samples per location) was not reached, it was decided to extract more samples from the register at the sampling stage. In doing so, more men were extracted, because men tend to have a lower response rate than women.
In the second step in the initial survey, it was decided to extract four times the target of samples for men from Okinawa and twice that for women, and three times the target for men from other regions and two times for women separately from the first step of the survey (men from Okinawa: 381, women from Okinawa: 246/men from other regions: 1,923, women from other regions: 1,218/total 3,768 samples).

Therefore, it was decided in advance that a total of 4,750 + 3,768 = 8,518 samples would be extracted from the Basic Resident Register.
* It was decided to extract more samples from Okinawa because it was assumed that it would be harder to collect the answers from young people of Okinawa, based on previous surveys.

(4) Extraction of samples
The samples were extracted using the stratified two-stage random sampling method based on the Basic Resident Register. As mentioned in (1), 27 census districts (the primary sampling unit) of Okinawa and 127 districts in other regions were sampled.

The secondary sampling unit was individuals and it was necessary to sample 50 to 70 individuals aged 20 years from each survey district. If systematic sampling is performed normally, two things could occur. First, if the sampling interval is large, it may not be possible to sample that many 20-year-olds from a single survey district in some regions.

Secondly, since only 20-year-olds are sampled, if the sampling interval is large, the survey area can become excessively large, potentially obstructing the execution of the survey. Considering these and other factors, after defining the starting point randomly, the sampling was carried out continuously, following the register. In other words, it was the same as performing systematic sampling with an interval of 1.

Unlike a regular sampling survey, in the secondary survey, while some locations received additional samples, others did not. Hence, it is important to note that this is not a random sampling in the strict sense since each location had a different probability of being selected as a sample according to the survey conditions. Further, the denominator of the response rate is not defined until the field survey is finished, which is different from its standard definition. However, in this survey, the demerit of partially losing the randomness of the samples was considered much lower than the risk of having the survey interrupted due to an insufficient number of samples.

The secondary survey was stopped when the target number of each layer was reached. The total number of respondents from the primary and secondary surveys combined was 760 from Okinawa and 4,258 from other regions. These samples can be considered as corresponding to those in a regular survey.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
In the first survey, the surveyor sent a written request and questionnaire to the sampled respondents and later visited them to ask for their participation in the survey and to collect the filled questionnaire.

From the second survey onward, the questionnaire was mailed to the respondents of the first survey who expressed their intention to participate in the panel survey. Later, the surveyor visited those participants and collected the questionnaires. If the respondents had moved from the locations they were in during the previous sampling, their questionnaires were collected by mail.

From the second survey onward, the same respondents in the previous edition were surveyed to the extent possible except those who did not respond within the deadline, those whose addresses were unknown, and those who refused to participate.

In the second survey, the respondents who had registered their email addresses in the first survey were contacted by email, but since there was almost no response, the third survey onward were limited to visits and mail exchanges alone.
Investigator Akio Inui, Director, Youth Cohort Study of Japan, survey carried out by Central Research Services, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1079
Sponsors (Funds) (1) Japanese Educational Research Association Grants – Special research "Comprehensive Study on Changing Adolescence"
Study period: 2005 – 2007, Grant: 3 million yen
(2) Japanese Educational Research Association Grants – Special research "Youth Cohort Study of Japan"
Study period: 2008~2010, Grant: 3 million yen
(3) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Grants (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A) – "Cohort Survey on School-Work Transition Process and Career Development of Youth in Metropolitan Areas" (Representative: Akio Inui)
Study period: 2007– 2009, Grant: 23.8 million yen
(4) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Grants (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B) – "Cohort Survey on the Transition Process of Young People in Okinawa" (Representative: Yoko Uema)
Study period: 2007– 2009, Grant: 15.3 million yen
(5) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Grants (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A) – "Cohort Survey on School-Work Transition Process and Career Development of Youth" (Representative: Akio Inui)
Study period: 2010 – 2013, Grant: 30.7 million yen
(6) The Asahi Glass Foundation Research Grant "Social Security and Safety Nets for Precarious Youth" – (Representative: Maki Hiratsuka)
Study period: 2009 – 2010, Grant: 1 million yen

Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation Questionnaires [ First survey (2007)] [ Second survey (2008)] [ Third survey (2009)] [ Fourth survey (2010)] [ Fifth survey (2011)]
Major Survey Items * The target of each question is indicated within parenthesis [ ].
[Face items]
・Gender, birth year and month, age, current situation (employed people/students/others)

<<First survey>>
(1) Detail of the current work [employed people]
・If engaged in multiple jobs, employment status, type of industry, number of employees in the organization, and occupation
・Approach taken to get the current job, details of work (feels motivated, working hours are too long, and so on)
・Working days per week/month, working hours per week/day, monthly income
・Reason for not working as regular employee, desire to become a regular employee

(2) Last attended school [Employed people][Others]
・Last attended school, graduated/withdrawn (in which period), school founder, field of study/major
・Evaluation of the school (learned about the profession of choice, became more confident, and so on), participation in lectures and club activities

(3) Current school [Students]
・Year in school, school founder, course, term of study (for students of junior college/technical school/vocational school), field of study/major
・Evaluation of the school, participation in lectures and club activities, and grades (five-grade evaluation)

(4) Current economic situation [Students]
・Work while studying (including temporary (arubaito) or part-time jobs), employment status
・Regular income, tuition (yearly/monthly), and the percentage of tuition paid by you

(5) Employment [Others]
・Job-hunting activity/desire to find a job, the perception of work (willing to work even if the desired job is not available, willing to work only if the desired job is available, and so on)
・Regular activities other than job hunting (preparing to open own business, studying to go to college or to study abroad, and so on)
・Perception of not having a job, employment support or job-hunting activities in the last one year, and desired workstyle

(6) Details of past experiences [Common to all]
・Grades in the third year of middle school, if attended high school
・If graduated high school (if withdrew, when), high school founder, field of study, evaluation of high school
・Percentage of classmates wanting to go to college or junior college, participation in lectures and club activities, and number of days of absence in one year
・Desired level of academic advancement when you were 18 years old, experiences in the preceding two and a half years (calendar format), and satisfaction with their own paths so far.

(7) Details of family [Common to all]
・Presence of father/mother, age, year of birth or death, and highest level of educational attainment of father/mother
・Work/profession of father/mother when the respondent was 18 years old, family structure at the age of 18 years, life circumstances at the age of 18 years, relationship with family at the age of 18 years

(8) Details of the current life [Common to all]
・Marital status, presence/number of children, number of people living together, relationship with the people living together, and current life circumstances
・Activities other than work or school
・Relationships (friends who you often go out with, people you feel comfortable and at ease with, and so on) and the connection with those people
・Views on own situation (satisfied with own situation, lives his or her own lifestyle, and so on)
・Views on own professional life, communication and work skills, and satisfaction with daily life
・Personal income and household income

<<Second survey>>
(1) Detail of the current work [employed people]
・Whether this is the same job as the job you had a year prior to the survey
・If engaged in multiple jobs, employment status, type of industry, number of employees in the organization, and occupation
・Approach taken to get the current job, city size taken into consideration while looking for this job, distance to parents' house considered while looking for this job
・Details of work (feels motivated, working hours are too long, and so on)
・Working days per week/month, working hours per week/day, overtime and late-shift work in the last 30 days, monthly income
・Reason for not working as regular employee, desire to become a regular employee
・Desire to find a new job and reason for wanting a new job

(2) Details of the first/previous job [Employed people][Others]
・Experience with job change and the number of changes
・Employment status in the first job, approach to getting the first job, and the reason for quitting the first job
・Employment status in the previous job and the reason for quitting the previous job

(3) Current school [Students]
・If it is the same school as the school you went to a year prior to the survey
・School founder, course, term of study, department/field, and major
・City size considered while choosing the school, evaluation of the school, and participation in lectures and club activities
・Level of understanding of lectures, expectations towards the school, grades (five-grade evaluation), and form of entrance examination

(4) Job hunting [Students (of four-year colleges)]
・Experience with job-hunting activities and, current job-hunting situation
・Beginning of job-hunting activities, useful sources of information, and important conditions while choosing a company to apply for
・Aspects that are likely to be assessed by the recruiter
・Experience applying for jobs in private companies and the number of companies applied to
・Experience with job-hunting activities (obtained a clearer vision of the work, struggled to fill the entry sheet, and so on)
・Career from next April onward and employment status if you will be employed

(5) Current economic situation [Students]
・Work while studying (including temporary (arubaito) or part-time jobs), employment status
・Regular income, tuition (yearly/monthly), and percentage of tuition paid by you

(6) Employment [Others]
・Job hunting activity/desire to find a job, perception of work (willing to work even if the desired job is not available, willing to work only if the desired job is available, and so on)
・Regular activities other than job hunting (preparing to open own business, studying to go to college or to study abroad, and so on)
・Perception of not having a job, use of employment support or job-hunting activities in the preceding one year and desired workstyle
・Actual work experience

(7) Details of the current life [Common to all]
・Events and experiences in the preceding year (calendar format)
・If the current address and the address to which the questionnaire was sent to are the same, grades in high school compared to classmates
・Marital status, presence/number of children, number of people living together, relationship with the people living together, and current life circumstances
・Activities other than work or school
・Relationships (friends who you often go out with, people whom you feel comfortable and at ease with, and so on) and the connection with those people
・Views on your own situation (satisfied with your own situation, lives your own lifestyle, and so on)
・Views on your own professional life, communication and work skills, and satisfaction with your daily life
・Personal and household income
・Expected workstyle/lifestyle in 10 years

(8) Details of the society/systems [Common to all]
・Division of domestic chores and childcare after marriage, intention to continue work after marriage (you/spouse), and thoughts on meritocracy and society
・Use of social services in the year preceding the survey, enrollment in the social insurance system, and the reason for not enrolling
・Scholarship or benefits received in the preceding year, if any
・Loans currently held and the total amount of loans and debts

<<Third survey>>
(1) Detail of the current work [employed people]
・Whether this is the same job as the job you had a year prior to the survey
・If engaged in multiple jobs, employment status, type of industry, number of employees in the organization, and occupation
・Approach taken to get the current job, city size taken into consideration while looking for this job, distance to parents' house considered while looking for this job
・Details of work (feels motivated, working hours are too long, and so on)
・Working days per week/month, working hours per week/day, overtime and late-shift work in the last 30 days, monthly income
・Reason for not working as regular employee, desire to become a regular employee
・Desire to find a new job and reason for wanting a new job

(2) Details of the first/previous job [Employed people][Others]
・Experience with job change and the number of changes
・Employment status in the first job, approach to getting the first job, and the reason for quitting the first job
・Employment status in the previous job and the reason for quitting the previous job

(3) Current school [Students]
・If it is the same school as the school you went to a year prior to the survey
・School founder, course, term of study, department/field, and major
・Evaluation of the school, and participation in lectures and club activities
・Level of understanding of lectures, expectations towards the school
・Desired plans after graduation (graduate students)
・Experience with failing the entrance exam or an academic year and reason for failure

(4) Job hunting [Students (four-year college, six-year college, and graduate school)]
・Experience with job-hunting activities and, current job-hunting situation
・Beginning of job-hunting activities, useful sources of information, and important conditions while choosing a company to apply for
・Aspects that are likely to be assessed by the recruiter
・Experience applying for jobs in private companies and the number of companies applied to
・Experience with job-hunting activities (obtained a clearer vision of the work, struggled to fill the entry sheet, and so on)
・Career from next April onward and employment status if you will be employed

(5) Current economic situation [Students]
・Work while studying (including temporary (arubaito) or part-time jobs), employment status
・Regular income, tuition (yearly/monthly), percentage of tuition paid by you

(6) Employment [Others]
・Job hunting activity/desire to find a job, perception of work (willing to work even if the desired job is not available, willing to work only if the desired job is available, and so on)
・Regular activities other than job hunting (preparing to open own business, studying to go to college or to study abroad, and so on)
・Perception of not having a job, use of employment support or job-hunting activities in the preceding one year and desired workstyle
・Actual work experience

(7) Details of the current life [Common to all]
・Events and experiences in the preceding year (calendar format)
・Current health conditions, health conditions compared to one year ago, and recent health symptoms (body tiredness, sadness, and so on)
・Experience with employment contract cancellation or forced retirement
・If the current address and the address to which the questionnaire was sent to are the same
・If parents live together, reason for living with parents, desire to move away from parents, and relationship with parents
・Marital status, presence/number of children, number of people living together, relationship with the people living together, and current life circumstances
・How leisure time is spent
・Relationships (friends who you often go out with, people whom you feel comfortable and at ease with, and so on) and the connection with those people
・Views on your own situation (satisfied with your own situation, lives your own lifestyle, and so on)
・Views on your own professional life, political interests and activities, communication and work skills, and satisfaction with your daily life
・Personal and household income
・Expected workstyle/lifestyle in 10 years

(8) Details of the society/systems [Common to all]
・Thoughts on meritocracy and society
・Division of domestic chores and childcare after marriage, intention to continue work after marriage (you/spouse)
・Use of social services in the year preceding the survey, the reason for not using
・Enrollment in the social insurance system, the reason for not enrolling
・Scholarship or benefits received in the preceding year, if any
・Loans currently held and the total amount of loans and debts
・Necessary income to have a "minimum standard of health and culture," how the current income compares with that amount

<<Fourth survey>>
(1) Detail of the current work [employed people]
・Whether this is the same job as the job you had a year prior to the survey
・If engaged in multiple jobs, employment status, type of industry, number of employees in the organization, and occupation
・City size considered while looking for this job and distance from parents' house considered while looking for this job
・Approach to getting the current job and relationship with a friend or acquaintance who introduced you to the company
・Details of work (feels motivated, working hours are too long, and so on)
・Working days per week/month, working hours per week/day, overtime and late-shift work in the last 30 days, monthly income
・Desire to find a new job and reason for wanting a new job
・Reason for not working as regular employee, desire to become a regular employee

(2) Details of the first/previous job [Employed people]
・Experience with job change and the number of changes
・Employment status in the first job, the reason for quitting the first job
・Employment status in the previous job, the reason for quitting the previous job
・Period of employment, when the proposal for the first job was received, when the first job proposal was received, and the number of job proposals received while in college
・Desire to be employed at the company of the first job, career path at the time of the first job proposal (general affairs (sogo-shoku), regular service (ippan-shoku), etc.)
・Experience with an internship while studying if the company offered a job proposal

(2) Details of the first/previous job [Others]
・Experience with job change and the number of changes
・Employment status in the first job, approach to getting the first job, relationship with friend or acquaintance who introduced you to the first job, the reason for quitting the first job
・Employment status in the previous job, approach to getting the previous job, relationship with friend or acquaintance who introduced you to the previous job, the reason for quitting the previous job

(3) Current school [Students]
・If it is the same school as the school you went to a year prior to the survey
・School founder, course, term of study, department/field, and major
・Evaluation of the school
・Expectations towards the school
・Desired plans after graduation (graduate students)

(4) Job hunting [Students (four-year college, six-year college, and graduate school)]
・Experience with job-hunting activities and, current job-hunting situation
・Beginning of job-hunting activities, useful sources of information, and important conditions while choosing a company to apply for
・Career from next April onward and employment status if you will be employed

(5) Current economic situation [Students]
・Work while studying (including temporary (arubaito) or part-time jobs), employment status
・Regular income, tuition (yearly/monthly), and percentage of tuition paid by you

(6) Employment [Others]
・Job hunting activity/desire to find a job, perception of work (willing to work even if the desired job is not available, willing to work only if the desired job is available, and so on)
・Regular activities other than job hunting (preparing to open own business, studying to go to college or to study abroad, and so on)
・Perception of not having a job, use of employment support or job-hunting activities in the preceding one year and desired workstyle
・Actual work experience
・Current health conditions, health conditions compared to one year ago, and recent health symptoms (body tiredness, sadness, and so on)
・If the current address and the address to which the questionnaire was sent to are the same

(7) Details of the current life [Common to all]
・Events and experiences in the preceding year (calendar format)
・Current health conditions, health conditions compared to one year ago, and recent health symptoms (body tiredness, sadness, and so on)
・If the current address and the address to which the questionnaire was sent to are the same
・If parents live together, reason for living with parents, desire to move away from parents, and relationship with parents
・Marital status, presence/number of children, number of people living together, relationship with the people living together, and current life circumstances
・How leisure time is spent
・Relationships (friends who you often go out with, people whom you feel comfortable and at ease with, and so on) and the connection with those people
・Views on your own situation (satisfied with your own situation, lives your own lifestyle, and so on)
・Presence and number of job-related qualifications/certifications, views on your own professional life
・Political interests and activities, communication and work skills, and satisfaction with your daily life
・Anxiety about the future, expected workstyle/lifestyle in 10 years
・Annual personal and household income

(8) Details of past experiences [Common to all]
・Experience with failing the entrance exam or an academic year, truancy, absenteeism; when any of these events happened, the reason for failing the entrance exam or academic year
・Work experience (including temporary (arubaito) jobs)
・Experiences at the workplace (was ordered to do unpaid overtime, was pushed to do an impossible amount of work, and so on), attitude after those experiences (consulted the company's labor union or individual labor union)
・Last attended school (including withdrawals), graduated/withdrawn, time of graduation/withdrawal

(9) Details of the society/systems [Common to all]
・Thoughts on meritocracy and society
・Division of domestic chores and childcare after marriage, intention to continue to work after marriage (respondent/spouse), thoughts on marriage in the future
・Use of social services in the year preceding the survey, the reason for not using
・Enrollment in the social insurance system, the reason for not enrolling
・Scholarship or benefits received in the preceding year, if any
・Loans currently held and the total amount of loans and debts

<<Fifth survey>>
(1) Detail of the current work [employed people]
・Whether this is the same job as the job you had a year prior to the survey
・If engaged in multiple jobs, employment status
・Reason for not working as regular employee, desire to become a regular employee
・type of industry, number of employees in the organization, occupation
・City size considered while looking for this job
・Approach to getting the current job and relationship with a friend or acquaintance who introduced you to the workplace
・Details of work (feels motivated, etc.)
・Abilities and skills needed in the current work
・Use of training/coaching opportunities and opportunities at the workplace
・Working days per week/month, working hours per week/day, overtime and late-shift work in the last 30 days, monthly income
・Desire to find a new job and reason for wanting a new job

(2a) Details of the first/previous job [Employed people]
・Experience with job change and the number of changes
・Employment status in the first job, the reason for quitting the first job

(2b) Details of the first/previous job [Others]
・Experience with job change and the number of changes
・Employment status in the first job, approach to getting the first job, relationship with friend or acquaintance who introduced you to the first job, the reason for quitting the first job
・Employment status in the previous job, approach to getting the previous job, relationship with friend or acquaintance who introduced you to the previous job, the reason for quitting the previous job

(3) Current school [Students]
・If it is the same school as the school you went to a year prior to the survey
・School founder, course, term of study, department/field, and major
・Evaluation of the school
・Expectations towards the school
・Reason for entering graduate school (graduate students), desired plans after graduation (graduate students)

(4) Job hunting [Students (four-year college, six-year college, and graduate school)]
・Experience with job-hunting activities and, current job-hunting situation
・Beginning of job-hunting activities, useful sources of information, and important conditions while choosing a company to apply for
・Career from next April onward and employment status if you will be employed

(5) Current economic situation [Students]
・Work while studying (including temporary (arubaito) or part-time jobs), employment status
・Regular income, tuition (yearly/monthly), and percentage of tuition paid by you

(6) Employment [Others]
・Job hunting activity/desire to find a job, perception of work (willing to work even if the desired job is not available, willing to work only if the desired job is available, and so on)
・Regular activities other than job hunting (preparing to open their own business, studying to go to college or to study abroad, and so on)
・Perception of not having a job, use of employment support or job-hunting activities in the preceding year, and desired workstyle
・Work experience

(7) Details of the current life [Common to all]
・Events and experiences in the preceding year (calendar format)
・Current health conditions, health conditions compared to one year ago, and recent health symptoms (body tiredness, sadness, and so on)
・If the current address and the address to which the questionnaire was sent to are the same
・If parents live together, reason for living with parents, desire to move away from parents, and relationship with parents
・Marital status, presence/number of children, number of people living together, relationship with the people living together, and current life circumstances
・How leisure time is spent
・Relationships (friends who you often go out with, people whom you feel comfortable and at ease with, and so on) and the connection with those people
・Importance of the media in obtaining information
・Views on his or her own situation (satisfied with his or her own situation, lives his or her own lifestyle, and so on)
・Number of professional qualifications, if any; views on his or her own professional life
・Political interest and behavior, communication and work skills, and satisfaction with life
・Anxiety about the future, expected workstyle/lifestyle in 10 years
・Future prospects and reasons for the absence of future prospects
・Impact of the Tohoku earthquake
・Personal annual income and household income

(8) Details of past experiences [Common to all]
・Work experience (including part-time jobs)
・Experiences at the workplace (was ordered to do unpaid overtime, was pushed to do an impossible amount of work, and so on), attitude after those experiences (consulted company's labor union or individual labor union)
・Parents' attitudes toward child-rearing
・Last attended school (including withdrawals/currently enrolled/suspended), graduated/withdrew, enrolled/suspended, the period of attendance/graduation/withdrawal

(9) Details of the society/systems [Common to all]
・Thoughts on meritocracy and society
・Division of domestic chores and childcare after marriage, intention to continue to work after marriage (respondent/spouse), thoughts on marriage in the future
・Use of social services in the year preceding the survey, the reason for not using
・Enrollment in the social insurance system, the reason for not enrolling
・Scholarship or benefits received in the preceding year, if any
・Loans currently held and the total amount of loans and debts

Date of Release 2017/02/21
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Version 1 : 2017-02-21
Notes for Users