University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1087
Survey Title Questionnaire on Human Connections, 2012
Depositor Labor Research Council
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Educational Purpose Only available for research.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary A "connection" is an important element that not only provides one with a sense of existence and responsibility but can also affect their quality of life and tranquility. The recent changes in industrial and social structures transformed people's relationships with other people and groups, while also weakening connections and resulting in negative effects. On the other hand, the connections following the Tohoku Earthquake of 2011, such as those among people in the communities, called attention for its capacity of functioning as a safety net.

This survey was conducted to clarify the reality (the sense of distance and depth, for example) and the need for connections as well as the expectations of such connections. By exploring the background of these factors, the survey aimed at identifying what labor unions can do and what roles they are expected to play.

Further, this survey was conducted as a joint survey in which the Labour Research Council had asked unions to participate. The ten industrial and local unions that agreed to participate were: the Japanese Electrical Electronic and Information Union, the Japan Federation of Basic Industry Worker's Union, the Japan Postal Group Union, the NTT Workers Union of Japan, JSD, the General Federation of Private Railway Workers' Unions of Japan, the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union, the Japan Teachers Union, the All Printing Bureau Labour Union, and Zennorin.

The questions in this survey cover two large areas.

One concerns the "real image of connections" and explores the current and the ideal status of connections, as well as the factors that inhibit the formation of relationships. The connections are divided into four scenarios – "(1) Workplace," "(2) Neighbors and community," "(3) Outside workplace and community," and "(4) Family and relatives" – and each is analyzed separately. Three other scenarios, namely "(5) Extent of connections," "(6) The internet and connections," and "(7) Organizations and connections" cover the role and form of connections across each of the previous scenarios.
The other area focuses on the "perception of connections" and covers aspects such as "(8) Perception of connections," "(9) Connection with the Great East Japan Earthquake," and "(10) Life evaluation and connections."
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Union members working in companies where 10 industrial and local unions participating in the survey are organized
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 6,744 people
Date of Collection 2012-02 ~ 2012-07
February – July 2012
Time Period 2012 ~ 2012
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure Other
A total of 14,900 questionnaires were distributed in the industrial and local unions that participated in this joint survey. The number of valid ones collected was 12,653.

The standard number of questionnaires in the analysis data of the joint survey was set to 800 per industrial or local union. If more than 800 valid answers were collected, 800 answers were randomly sampled, If there were less than 800 valid answers, all the answers collected were incorporated into the analysis data.

As a result, the final sample size in the analysis data of the joint survey was 6,744.

While distributing the questionnaires, the survey company was requested to consider the ratio of metropolitan and rural areas.
Mode of Data Collection
Investigator Labor Research Council
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1087
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo][Syukei-hyo]
Major Survey Items [Real image of connections]
(1) Workplace
・Human relations at the workplace (current/ideal relationships)
・Atmosphere among coworkers (the atmosphere is one of mutual help, where each generation thinks differently, and so on)
・Workplace and work situation (there is a lot of teamwork, technologies and know-how do not change much, and so on)
・Challenges in deepening the connections at the workplace
・Level of dedication to the company
・Time of arrival from work
・Whether Saturdays and Sundays are weekend holidays or work days

(2) Neighbors and community
・Relationship with neighbors and community (current/ideal relationships)
・The beginning of the connection (through daily contact as neighbors, through child-rearing or children's school, and so on)
・Characteristics of the community (there are many seniors, it is a new residential area, and so on)
・Relationship with neighbors and community (participates in community activities such as cleaning and disaster prevention practice)
・Challenges while deepening the connection with neighbors and the community
・Presence of neighbors who can help each other in case of disasters
・Level of dedication to the community

(3) Outside workplace or community
・Human relations outside the workplace or community (current/ideal relationship)

(4) Family and relatives
・Intimacy with family members living together
・Challenges while deepening the relationship with family members living together
・Relationship with relatives and family members living apart (current/ideal relationship)
・Challenges while deepening the connection with relatives

(5) Extent of connections
・Presence of someone to talk to and ask for help/relationship with that person

(6) The internet and connections
・Usage of the internet
・Main activities on the internet (other than professional contact)
・Contacts on the internet (other than work)
・Views on friendships on the internet

(7) Organizations and connections
・Participation in group activities (current participation and desire to participate in the future)
・Details of the union's activities (current situation/expectations)

[Perception of connections]
(8) Perception of connections
・Views on connections (enjoys exchanging gifts with friends, feels comfortable talking to strangers, and so on)

(9) Tohoku Earthquake and connections
・Feelings after the Tohoku Earthquake (the importance of ties with the family, the importance of volunteer activities and social contribution, and so on)
・Activities after the Great East Japan Earthquake (assisted relatives and acquaintances who were victims of the disaster, visited the affected areas on a sightseeing tour, and so on)

(10) Life evaluation and connections
・Satisfaction with life
・Satisfaction with how free time is spent
・Satisfaction with the relationships in day-to-day life (workplace, community, friends, family, relatives)

[Face items]
・Gender, age, number of years at the current address
・Official position, occupation type, experience of holding an official position in an union
・Type of residence, household composition
・Whether working away from family (for those with a spouse and/or children)
・Spouse's employment status (for those with a spouse)
・Whether a parent lives nearby (including spouse's parent)
Date of Release 2017/03/08
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Version 1 : 2017-03-08
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