University of Tokyo

Survey Number PH030
Survey Title Japanese Life Course Panel Survey of High School Graduates (JLPS-H) Wave 3, 2005
Depositor Japanese Life Course Panel Surveys (JLPS) project, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
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Summary The Japanese Life Course Panel Survey of High School Graduates (JLPS-H) started as a large-scale survey for the “Transformation of education and the labor market” project (2000-2006), a sub-project of the institute-wide joint research project of the Institute of Social Science (ISS) at The University of Tokyo, “The Lost Decade?: Reconsidering 1990s’ Japan” (principal investigator: Hiroshi Ishida). The survey was carried out later as part of “The empirical study of the relationship between employment behavior, the consciousness of young people, and the aged society with a low birth rate” (2004 - 2006) (senior researcher: Hiroki Sato, ISS, The University of Tokyo), a Policy Science Promotion Research Project funded by a Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant (from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).

The purpose of this survey is to understand the career behavior, attitudes, and values of young people who will become the working generation during the advent of an aging society with a low birth rate. The research will follow the changes in young people’s behavior and consciousness by conducting a panel survey. The survey addresses four topics: (1) the life and attitudes of young people while they are in school, (2) patterns of transition from school to workplace, (3) employment behavior (non-regular employment, changing jobs, etc.), and (4) changes in their consciousness and values.

For this purpose, the survey investigates high school students, while they are enrolled and after graduation, to capture comprehensively their advancement to university or their employment behavior and their consciousness and values during their life course. Second, the survey design incorporates items that are amenable to international comparisons, increasing its utility for rigorous international comparative research.

JLPS-H, Wave 3 is composed of a follow-up survey to JLPS-H, Wave 1 (PH010), which surveyed respondents from JLPS-H, Wave 1, two years since their high school graduation. The other follow-up surveys, Wave 2 (PH020), took place the first year after high school graduation and have already been released.

Respondents to this survey each selected one of the following four questionnaires to respond to.
 - Questionnaire A (for those engaged in any type of occupation [other than student part-time (arubaito) work])  
- Questionnaire B (for those attending a junior college, specialized training college, or public occupational training course)  
- Questionnaire C (for those attending a four-year university)  
- Questionnaire D (for those neither in education or work [includes those preparing for entrance examinations for the second or more time])

Using a panel survey design, we have continued to conduct surveys annually since 2005 (except 2007).  
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Among high school students who responded to JLPS-H, Wave 1,
[Questionnaire A] those engaged in any type of occupation (other than student part-time (arubaito) work) at the time of Wave 3
[Questionnaire B] those attending a junior college, specialized training college, or public occupational training course at the time of Wave 3 
[Questionnaire C] those attending a four-year university at the time of Wave 3  
[Questionnaire D] those neither in education or work at the time of Wave 3
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Number of questionnaires distributed: 2,014; valid responses: 670
(Questionnaire A:115, Questionnaire B: 207, Questionnaire C: 333,
Questionnaire D:15), response rate 33.3%
Date of Collection 2005-10 ~ 2006-01
October 2005 – January 2006
Time Period 2005 ~ 2005
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Among high school students who responded to JLPS-H, Wave 1 (PH010), those who agreed to participate in follow-up surveys and provided contact information (address and phone number) where they could be reached after high school.
Mode of Data Collection First, a post card notified subjects that a survey was going to be sent. The post card also checked the validity of addresses. Then the survey was mailed to the subjects except for those whose address could not be validated or who resided overseas.
Investigator “Transformation of education and the labor market” project (2000-2006), a sub-project of the institute-wide joint research project of the Institute of Social Science (ISS) at The University of Tokyo, “The Lost Decade?: Reconsidering 1990s’ Japan” (principal investigator: Hiroshi Ishida)

The University of Tokyo Institute of Social Science, “Survey of High School Students’ Lives and Future Paths” research group (2004-2006; senior researcher: Hiroki Sato)

The Research and Planning Committee of Japanese Life Course Panel Survey of High School Graduates

DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.PH030
Sponsors (Funds) Research fund of the Institute of Social Science at the University of Tokyo (2003-),
Grant-in-aid for Health and Labor Science Research (Policy Science Promotion Research: FY 2004-2006)

Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire A] [Questionnaire B] [Questionnaire C] [Questionnaire D]
Major Survey Items [Items common to all questionnaires]

1. About current life  
Coming up with the money to pay for living expenses and school expenses, level of satisfaction with the path after graduation, current type of residence, difficulties and troubles in daily life, social activities participated in within the past year

2. Situation when respondent was a third-year high school student
Family structure, household living situation

3. Thoughts on lifestyle, pensions, and welfare  
Ideas about lifestyle (living as a part-timer or casual part-timer (arubaito), being a NEET(not in education, employment, or training), living with parents), what it means to be useful to other people, knowledge of national pension scheme, intention to pay national pension premiums, reasons for not intending to pay national pension premiums, ideas about life in old age, who should bear the welfare burden, feelings of uncertainty about life in the future

4. About childrearing in the future  
Impression of childrearing, whether wanting to have children in the future, reasons for not wanting to have children

5. View on gender  
Thoughts on women’s work and marriage, ideas about the role of men

6. Outlook for the future
Desired work style and occupation around age 30

[Items unique to Questionnaire A]
A1. About current work
Current work style/work style a year before, starting month and year, industry, company size, occupation type, job application method, current work environment, usefulness of high school activities, experience/period/content of job training, satisfaction level with workplace, disposal income

[Items unique to Questionnaire B]
B1. About school being attended  
Type of school/course/year, changes in situation since last school year, admission type, national/public/private institution

B2. About casual part-time (arubaito) work
Working hours per week

B3. About school life  
Satisfaction level with educational content at school, grades, qualifications obtained, qualifications you intend to obtain

B4. About job-seeking activities and life course counseling  
Priorities when deciding occupation and employer, intended status next year, engagement in job-seeking activities, reasons for not engaging in job-seeking activities and future plans for doing so, content/timing/incidence of job-seeking activities, prospective employment offers received so far, status of ongoing job-seeking activities, reasons for abandoning job-seeking activities, usefulness of life course counseling at school

B5. Prospective offers of employment  
Occupation type, industry, and company size of prospective employer, relationship between prospective job and school educational content/qualifications, satisfaction with prospective employer and occupation

B6. Personal ways of thinking  
Things that are important (success at work, marriage, etc.), matters applicable to yourself (spending patterns, having goals, etc.)

[Unique items for Questionnaire C]
C1. University attendance  
Current status (daytime classes/evening classes/distance education, year level), admission pattern, change in status since last year, founding body of university (national/public/private)

C2. About daily life
Hours of study and casual part-time (arubaito) work per week

C3. About university life  
Number of days per week you go to university/hours you spend at university, frequency of studying/talking to instructors/communicating with friends, things you have done since entering university (studying for qualifications/studying English conversation, doing an internship, etc.), feeling toward university (classes are difficult/want to transfer schools, etc.), desire to transfer to other university, attendance rate/credit acquisition rate, grades, things that apply to your college life (fulfilling student life, desire to study abroad, prospect to graduate in four years), level of satisfaction with university life

C4. Personal way of thinking  
Things that are important (success at work, marriage, etc.), matters applicable to yourself (spending patterns, having goals, etc.)

[Items unique to Questionnaire D]
D1. About current situation
Current situation, change since the previous year, reasons for neither currently attending school or working  

D2. About casual part-time (arubaito) work
Experience of part-time (arubaito) work, reasons for leaving part-time (arubaito) work, reasons for not having engaged in part-time (arubaito) work

D3. About the future  
Intended way of living one year from now, current preparations for way of living one year from now

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.

*These public data do not include variables corresponding to the following question items. Please refer to the questionnaire for details:
[Questionnaire A] Q3(e), Q28
[Questionnaire B] Q9, Q10 c), Q38
[Questionnaire C] Q8, Q9, Q39
[Questionnaire D] Q27
Date of Release 2013/07/24
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Version 1 : 2013-07-24
Notes for Users Datasets may be upgraded due to large-scale data correction, etc. Data provided from our data archive is the newest version.