University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0004
Survey Title Questionnaire Survey on Daily Life among Elementary and Junior High School Students, 1995
Depositor JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' at SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Only available for research.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This research was conducted in order for the JTUC-RIALS Committee for Studying Educational Reforms to grasp the current state of elementary school pupils and lower secondary school students in their allocation of time and living patterns at school, at home, and in the neighborhood as well as educational consciousness among the children and their mothers, thereby highlighting issues which will surface when we attempt to draw a picture of an open, life-long educational society toward the twenty-first century. At the same time, the research was designed to generate basic data for policy study toward the realization of a comfortable child-raising environment. It consists of (1) a survey on children's hours, (2) a survey of children, and (3) a survey of mothers.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe JTUC union members and their family members--fifth- or sixth-grade elementary school pupils and second- or third-grade lower secondary school students, and their mothers.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 422 effective responses from a sample of 800 elementary school pupils and their mothers (rate of return: 52.8%), and 358 effective responses from another sample of 800 lower secondary school students and their mothers (rate of return: 44.8%).
Date of Collection 1995-09-01 ~ 1995-09-01
September, 1995
Time Period 1995 ~ 1995
Spatial Unit hokkaido
Hokkaido, Tokyo Metropolis, Osaka, and Nagano, Shizuoka, Toyama and Miyazaki Prefectures.
Sampling Procedure
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire
A record system in which questionnaires were distributed and collected by local JTUC chapters and JTUC-RIALS offices.
The Task Committee of the Committee for Studying Educational Reforms at JTUC-RIALS, and the Labor Research Council
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0004
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) JTUC-RIALS (September, 1996) Kodomo no seikatsu jikan chosa kenkyu hokoku-sho [Report of the Survey and Study of Children's Living Hours].
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Kodomo Chosa-hyo][Okasan Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items (1) For children's hours
Children's hours (or minutes) on Saturdays, Sundays, and weekdays (getting ready [washing face, changing clothes, going to bathroom, etc.]; meals [eating in and out, eating between meals, etc.]; taking bath; sleeping; taking time off; taking sick leave; going to hospital or seeing a doctor; having a haircut; talking; telephoning; reading books, newspapers and cartoon magazines; TV games, TV/VCR watching, radio/CD/cassette tape listening, and other indoor plays and hobbies; studying [preparation and review; studying while watching TV or listening to the radio or a CD; tutor; extra-curricular exercises; preparation for school going; prep. School; extra-curricular lessons; extra-curricular sports, etc.]; taking a walk and taking a dog to a walk; going to a game center, convenience store, karaoke box, and the like; shopping; going to see a movie, to a concert or game; outdoor plays and hobbies; joining a sports team or a children's club; traveling; school [going to school; taking lessons; taking breaks; having lunch; cleaning facilities; joining club activities; attending school events; receiving childcare; going home; etc.]; going out of home and going back home; and other activities like filling out this questionnaire.

(2) For children
Demographic items: sex and grade
Questionnaire items: way of spending after-school (free) hours (type of play, and place of play); basic customs (things to do for oneself and family at home); relationships with parents (what parents tell, and parents' level of understanding); study and planning for the future (degree of enjoying school learning, speed of learning, reasons for having tutor's or prep. school sessions, degree of enjoying prep-school learning, attitude toward studying for entrance exams, desired course after graduation), view of one's future, health status, and friendship (number of friends, their sex and grade), people to consult and relationships with teachers (levels of understanding and volume of homework); and the five-day school-week system (changes in life after its inception and wishes regarding Saturdays-off).

(3) For mothers
Demographic items: (the child's) parents' occupations (mother's employment status, parent's employer's industry, size of workforce, type of job held, position held in union, form of duty, holidays [Sundays, and 2nd and 4th Saturdays], and business trips); (the child's) father's age and last school attended; place of residence; family composition (living arrangements with spouse and parents; number of children; the child's lineal relations); availability of children's room and TV set; use of childcare services; and the child's school (national, public, or private), and time required for trip to school.
Questionnaire items: the child's study, prep. school attendance, and extra-curricular lessons and other activities (type of extra-curricular lessons and weekly schedule, reasons for providing tutorial and prep. school lessons, the child's school performance, desirable course after graduation, attitudes toward lower secondary school entrance exam and prep. school, view of education, and attitudes toward an entrance exam society or a school career society); basic customs (the child's responsibility for household chores and other help); relationships with the child (attitudes and approach to the child); wishes regarding the five-day school-week system; number of hours spent watching TV; and the Parent-Teacher Association (official position held or not, participation in PTA events, important points in PTA activities and operation, evaluation of current state of such activities and operation, necessity of such activities and operation, and reasons).
Date of Release 1998/04/01
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Compulsory and pre-school education
Family life and marriage
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Version 1 : 1998-04-01
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.