University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0302
Survey Title Survey on Diverse Employment Patterns, 2001
Depositor Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution
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Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary In recent years, part-time workers have come to account for 20 percent of employee, on the backdrop of the growth of the service economy and the diverse employment needs of workers, and their roles are also fundamental from the conventional auxiliary ones. However, it has been pointed out that appropriate employment management is not carried out based on various employment conditions, and that treatment and employment security are not commensurate with the content of the work.

For this reason, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare established the "Part-time Employment Act" enacted in June 1993 and the "Part-time Workers Guidelines" revised in November 1999 to ensure proper working conditions for part-time workers and to manage employment. In addition to providing guidance for improvement, we have provided support for the efforts of business owners and consultations with part-time workers and business owners through the Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution, which is a designated corporation based on the Part-time Employment Act.

Based on these, from March 2001, the "Part-time Labor Study Group" (chaired by Hiroki Sato, Professor, The University of Tokyo) was held to sort out various issues related to part-time labor and examine the future. This survey was conducted as part of this research.

This survey was conducted with businesses, regular employees, and part-time workers to assess the state of part-time workers becoming the main workers and doing main tasks, the actual situation of employment adjustment, and the actual situation and intention of introducing the part-time regular employee system.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe (1) Business survey: 5,000 businesses that met the following conditions:
A. Industry: all industries
B. Area: nationwide
C. Employee size: 30 or more employees regularly

(2) Worker survey: regular employees and part-time workers who work at the office where the questionnaires were sent. However, the limit was 2 people per business.
Unit of Observation Individual,Organization
Sample Size (1) Business survey: number of valid responses 1,435 (28.7%)
(2) Worker survey (regular employees): number of valid responses 2,514 (25.1%)
(Part-time): number of valid responses 1,523 (15.2%)
Date of Collection 2001-07-23 ~ 2001-08-21
Survey target period: as of July 1, 2001
Survey implementation period: 2001/07/23 – 08/21
Time Period 2001 ~ 2001
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure (1) Random sampling of businesses.
(2) Requested the target business establishments to select workers to respond using the following conditions:
Selection of targets ... Distribute as much as possible to the places where "regular employees" and "part-time workers" are working in the same workplace. Distribute "regular employees" to non-managerial staff as much as possible. If there are no "part-time workers" at the office, only "regular employees."

Number of people: two people each for "regular employees" and "part-time workers."
Mode of Data Collection Communication survey
Investigator 21st Century Vocational Foundation
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0302
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Business questionnaire][Regular employee questionnaire][Part-time worker questionnaire]
Major Survey Items There are three types of questionnaires: business questionnaire, individual questionnaire (for regular employees), and individual questionnaire (for part-time workers).

[Business questionnaire]

(1) Business overview
Industry, employment status (number of regular employees, number of part-time workers, number of other non-regular employees, number of regular employees of the entire company)
(2) Non-regular employees who are engaged in the same work as regular employees
Percentage of people/increase or decrease compared to 3 years ago, occupation type, work status compared to regular employees (long or short regular working hours, amount of overtime/weekend and holiday work, presence/absence of reassignments, presence/absence of transfer, burden of responsibility), acceptable wage level for non-regular employees when regular employees’ wage is 100
(3) Application of social insurance
Status of application of social insurance to part-time workers, measures taken when the scope of application of social insurance expands (special exemption measures, consideration in choosing what to avoid application, concrete measures, measures to deal with rising costs)
(4) Part-time career advancement
Differences in treatment within part-time workers (presence/absence, details, whether it leads to motivation to improve skills/improved morale), system for promotion to group leader (presence/absence, number of promoted part-time workers, whether promoted part-time workers are fulfilling the role), system for promotion to full-time status (presence/absence, number of part-time workers appointed in the past 3 years, reason for not appointing, method of announcing the appointment/selection process, whether appointed part-time workers are fulfilling the role), differences in wage determination procedure from regular employees
(5) Short-time regular employee system
Thoughts on introducing the system, state of introducing short-time regular employee system for each target person (presence/absence, possibility of consideration, number of workers using the system, system contents)

[Questionnaire for regular employees]

(1) Attributes
Gender, age.
(2) Working status
Occupation type, years of service, number of working hours per week, overtime and presence/absence of overtime and weekend/holiday work, reassignments, and transfer
(3) Non-regular employees engaged in the same work
Percentage of people, employment status compared to respondent him or herself (long or short regular working hours, amount of overtime/weekend and holiday work, presence/absence of reassignments and frequency, presence/absence of transfer and frequency, burden of responsibility), acceptable wage level for non-regular employees when respondent’s wage is 100, increase in part-time workers and other non-regular employees engaged in the same work/problems associated with the increase
(4) Short-time regular employee system
Intention to use, reason for desire to use, possibility that current job can be divided and assigned to multiple part-time regular employees, things necessary to make such division of labor possible, reasons why that is not possible

[Questionnaire for part-time workers]

(1) Attributes
Gender, age, marital status, status of spouse’s employment (annual income, presence/absence of spouse benefits, restriction of providing spouse benefits), presence/absence of children living together and age of youngest child
(2) Working status
Occupation type, years of service, number of working hours per week, employment contract period, income (hourly wage, total income for the last year), reason for working as non-regular employee, desire to work as regular employee if the burden of childrearing, etc. is small, whether enrolled in social insurance
(3) Comparison with regular employees engaged in the same job
Percentage of people, employment status compared to regular employees (long or short regular working hours, amount of overtime/weekend and holiday work, presence/absence of reassignments and frequency, presence/absence of transfer and frequency, burden of responsibility), acceptable wage level when regular employee’s wage is 100
(4) Attitude toward employment adjustment
Status of employment adjustment, thoughts on increased burden and employment adjustment when working hours are increased, information source of employment adjustment, considerations when making employment adjustment
(5) Attitude toward career advancement prospects
Hopes for future work styles, reasons for not wanting career advancement, various systems for career advancement respondent wants company to offer
(6) Short-time regular employee system
Intention to use, reason for wanting to use.
Date of Release 2003/08/27
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Labour relations/conflict
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Version 1 : 2003-08-27
Notes for Users It is not possible using this data to match the data of business survey and individual surveys (regular employees, part-time workers).