University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0995
Survey Title Comparative research project on values, trust, participation and democracy in Japan including WVS, ABS, CSES, and Social Network survey, 2010-2013
Depositor Ken'ichi Ikeda
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Summary In recent years, there has been remarkable progress in international comparative research on both the global and Asian scale, which has led to a dramatic increase in research in the social sciences on how institutions and culture have a determining influence on people's values, opinions, and behavior, as well as the behavioral changes that institutions bring about. Research in the fields of value studies, democratization studies, political participation/voting behavior studies, and social capital studies is proceeding almost in parallel.

 Against this backdrop, this survey was conducted with two objectives. First, three sets of international comparative data at the global level and the Asian level will be obtained sequentially over a period of 5 five years through an interview panel survey targeting the same subjects, and Japan's contribution in this respect will be fulfilled. The surveys covered here are the World Values Survey (WVS), the Asian Barometer Survey (ABS), and the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES).

 Second, as a complement to these three surveys, the Social Network Survey (SocNet), which has been developed remarkably in recent years, was added to the panel survey, and data on institutions, culture, values and lifestyles, trust, social networks, social and political participation, and democracy were combined as four surveys in the same panel data. Further, from the perspective of social psychology, the composition of Japanese people's political and social behavior and beliefs was clarified relatively.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe [WVS2010] Men and women in the general population aged 18–79
[ABS3] Men and women in the general population aged 20~89
[SocNet] Men and women in the general population aged 20~89
[CSES4] Men and women in the general population aged 20~89
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size [WVS2010] Number of samples: 4,500 (final number distributed: 4,252); number of valid responses: 2,443; collection rate: 57.5% (of the final number of distributed)
[ABS3] Number of samples: 5,407(final number of distributed: 5,336); number of valid responses: 1,880; collection rate: 35.2%(of the final number of distributed)
[SocNet] Number of samples: 1,526; number of valid responses:1,127; collection rate:73.9%
[CSES4] Number of samples: 4,184(Panel samples: 1,124, a new sample: 3,060); number of valid responses:1,937; collection rate:46.3%
Date of Collection 2010 ~ 2013-08
【WVS2010】 2010
【ABS3】 2011
【SocNet】 2012
【CSES4】 2013/7-8
Time Period 2010 ~ 2013
Spatial Unit Japan
【WVS2010】 Japan
【ABS3】 Japan
【SocNet】 Japan
【CSES4】 Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
[WVS2010] Stratified two-stage random sampling method
[ABS3] Stratified two-stage random sampling method
[SocNet] Panel sample with consent to participate in WVS and ABS
[CSES4] Panel samples that agreed to participate in one (or more) of the WVS, ABS, and SocNet, and a new sample to correct for distortions in the survey data.
Mode of Data Collection Face-to-face interview
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
【WVS2010】 Interview method/placement method
【ABS3】Interview method/placement method
【SocNet】 Interview survey
【CSES4】 Interview survey
Japan Research Center Co., Ltd.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0995
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation 【WVS2010】
  Japanese ≪Questionnaire≫ ≪Summary table≫ , English ≪Questionnaire≫ 
  Japanese ≪Interview survey≫ ≪Placement survey≫ , English ≪Interview survey≫ ≪Placement survey
  Japanese ≪Questionnaire≫ , English ≪Questionnaire≫ 
  Japanese ≪Questionnaire≫ , English ≪Questionnaire
Major Survey Items [World Values Survey (WVS2010)]
・Work-related items such as gender, age, education, and work experience, as well as individual and household income-related items
・Life satisfaction, home and family values, and lifestyle
・Views on life, work, and people
・Religion, political awareness, attitudes toward the state and society, industrial/de-industrial values, and views on science and technology

[Asian Barometer Survey, Wave 3 (ABS3)]
・Approval or disapproval of and support for democracy and democratization, perception of comparative advantage over other systems
・Trust in institutions (electoral system, parliament, political parties, courts, central government, local government, police, military, newspapers, television, etc.)
・Political participation (voting, petitions, donations, experience of demonstrations, etc.), social participation (participation in various groups and organizations)
・Political interest, support for political parties, ideology
・Economic evaluation (perception of personal and socio-economic conditions in the near past, present, and near future)
・Asian values (a group of items related to politics, social ethics, and social relations)
・Religious beliefs and religion-related practices

[Social Network Survey (SocNet)]
・Beliefs such as general trust and reciprocity
・Position generator index that measures the vertical diversity of networks and social relationships in daily communication, such as other important items, other political conversational items, and other work-related conversational items
・Horizontal network openness index
・Perspective-taking index
・Social tolerance scale
・Indicators of secure relationships, etc.

[International Comparative Study of the Effects of Electoral Systems, Wave 4 (CSES4)]
・Satisfaction with democracy, efficacy of political participation
・Voting preference-related questions (party support, party sentiment thermometer, perception of ideological position of the individual and major political parties, perception of political leaders, performance evaluation, future expectations, voting behavior, and voting history)
・Level of political knowledge
・Perceptions of excessive or adequate/inadequate public spending by the government sector (by policy area)
・Relationship between political participation and media for information acquisition (mobilization route for political participation by media, such as mass media, Internet media, and interpersonal communication)
・Expansion of political knowledge items
・Expansion of household economic and asset status items

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2016/02/10
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Political behaviour and attitudes
Social behaviour and attitudes
Social conditions and indicators
Topics in SSJDA Politics/Administration/Election
Version 1 : 2016-02-10
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