University of Tokyo
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<< < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> Total: 1863

− List of Data −
Survey No. Survey Title Depositor
(Former Name)
Topic Online Data Analysis
0778 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 2010 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0779 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups (special surveys), 2010 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0780 Questionnaire on Efforts of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Tackle Environmental Problems, 2010 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0781 Questionnaire on Business Management and the Recruitment of the Elderly, 2010 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management
0782 Working Person Survey, 2010 Recruit Works Institute Education/Learning
0783 4th Social Survey on Fear of Crime in Japan, 2010 The Nikkoso Research Foundation for Safe Society
(Former Name:Research Foundation for Safe Society)
0784 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2011.1-3 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0785 Survey for the Smooth Implementation of the Raise in Minimum Wage in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2010 Office for Wages and Work Time, Division of Labour Standards Information, Labour Standards Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Economy/Industry/Management
0786 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2010 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0787 Survey on Young People's Attitudes (Survey on Attitudes toward High School Dropouts), 2011 Office for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Education/Learning --
0788 The Survey of the Current Status and Awareness of Shokuiku, 2010 Consumer Affairs and Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education) Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
(Former Name:Office for the Food Education Promotion, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
Health/Medical Care
0789 Questionnaire Survey on the Recruitment of Non-regular Employees, 2009 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0790 Fact-finding Survey on Recruitment and Life among the People Living in a Difficult Era, 2009 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0791 Postal Monitor/Questionnaire Monitor Comparison Edition: The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2010.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0792 Detailed Survey on Skincare and Makeup, 2009 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0793 Fact-finding Survey on Women's Makeup Behavior/Attitudes (Skincare and Makeup Volume), 2010 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0794 Survey on Makeup, 2010 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0795 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2011.4-6 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0796 Survey on Work Styles and Work-Life Balance, 2008 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Hiroki Sato and Emiko Takeishi)
0797 Survey on Work Styles and Work-Life Balance among Managers, 2009 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Hiroki Sato and Emiko Takeishi)
0799 60th Fact-finding Survey on the Students' Life in University of Tokyo, 2010 Student Committee of The University of Tokyo Education/Learning --
0801 Survey of Attitudes among JCCU Employees, 1997 Japanese Consumer Co-operative Society/Culture --
0802 Survey of Attitudes among JCCU Employees, 2000 Japanese Consumer Co-operative Society/Culture --
0803 Survey of Attitudes among JCCU Employees, 2003 Japanese Consumer Co-operative Society/Culture --
0804 Survey of Attitudes among JCCU Employees, 2006 Japanese Consumer Co-operative Society/Culture --
0805 Survey of Attitudes among JCCU Employees, 2009 Japanese Consumer Co-operative Society/Culture --
0812 46th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2010 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0813 Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 2005 Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Society/Culture --
0814 The Survey on Japanese Value Orientations, 1973-2008 Public Opinion Research Division, NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute
(Former Name:NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute)
0816 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2011.7-9 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0817 National Family Research of Japan 2008 (NFRJ08), 2009 The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
0818 Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2010 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0820 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2011.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0821 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2011.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0822 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2011.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0823 National Survey of the Japanese Elderly <Wave5(1999), Wave6(2002)>, 1999-2002 Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Health/Medical Care
0824 Survey on Work Styles and Learning Styles, 2005 Hiroki Sato Employment/Labor --
0825 Survey among Supports of Children and Young People with Difficulties, 2011 Office for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Education/Learning
0826 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 2011 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0827 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups (special surveys), 2011 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0828 Questionnaire Survey on Work Styles among Women, 2011 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Employment/Labor --
0829 Fact-finding Survey on the Work Conditions among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2005 National Federation of Small Business Associations Employment/Labor --
0830 Fact-finding Survey on the Work Conditions among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2006 National Federation of Small Business Associations Employment/Labor --
0831 Fact-finding Survey on the Work Conditions among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2007 National Federation of Small Business Associations Employment/Labor --
0832 Fact-finding Survey on the Work Conditions among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2008 National Federation of Small Business Associations Employment/Labor --
0833 Fact-finding Survey on the Work Conditions among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2009 National Federation of Small Business Associations Employment/Labor --
0834 Fact-finding Survey on the Work Conditions among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2010 National Federation of Small Business Associations Employment/Labor --
0835 Fact-finding Survey on the Work Conditions among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2011 National Federation of Small Business Associations Employment/Labor --
0836 Survey on Life Attitudes of Parents and Children, 2011 Office for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Education/Learning
0837 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2012.1-3 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0838 Public Opinion Poll on Internationalization and Citizens' Political Participation, 2009 Shunsuke Tanabe, and Mitsuru Matsutani Politics/Administration/Election
0839 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2011 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0840 The Survey of Attitude toward Shokuiku, 2011 Consumer Affairs and Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education) Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
(Former Name:Office for the Food Education Promotion, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
Health/Medical Care
0841 47th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2011 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0842 Online Survey on the Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Young People's Careers and Wages, 2012 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Education/Learning
0843 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2012.4-6 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0844 Survey on the Present and the Future of Work among those Aged 20-80, 2012 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --
0845 Survey on Professional Development among University Graduates aged 20-60, 2010 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --
0846 Survey on Employment among those Aged 40-80, 2011 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --
0847 Survey of Attitudes toward Anti-disaster Measures, January 2011 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Security/Crime/Disaster --
0848 Survey of Attitudes toward Anti-disaster Measures, November 2011 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Security/Crime/Disaster --
0849 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2012.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0851 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2012.7-9 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0852 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2012.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0853 National Survey on Life Insurance, 2012 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0854 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2012.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0856 Japan Quality of Life Survey, 2012 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0857 Japan Quality of Life Survey [Online Survey Version], 2012 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0858 Survey of Individuals who Utilize Civil Litigation, 2011 Hiroshi Takahashi, Japan Law Foundation Law --
0859 International Comparative Research on Sense of Happiness, 2009-2011 Kyoto University Global COE Program, Revitalizing Education for Dynamic Hearts and Minds (Leader: Masuo Koyasu) Society/Culture --
0860 Web-based Survey on Unmarried Men's Attitudes to Marriage and Works, 2011 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Employment/Labor --
0861 Questionnaire Survey on the Utilization of Advanced Skills in the Development of Local Employment in the Northern Part of Ibaraki Prefecture, 1997 Eiichi Ohki Employment/Labor --
0862 Questionnaire Survey on Employment Development in the Wide Tokyo-Yokohama Area, 1988 Eiichi Ohki Employment/Labor --
0865 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 2012 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0866 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups (special surveys), 2012 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0867 Questionnaire Survey on Overseas Expansion of Japanese Businesses and the Impact thereof, 2012 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0868 Nationwide Personal Network Survey, 2005 Itaru Ishiguro Society/Culture --
0869 Global Career Survey, 2012 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --
0870 Working Person Survey, 2012 Recruit Works Institute Education/Learning
0871 Survey of Attitudes toward Labor Dispute Adjudication, 2010 Research Committee for Attitude Survey of Labor Tribunal Decision, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo Law
0872 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2013.1-3 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0873 Survey among High School Students and their Mothers, 2012 Research Group for Survey of High School Students and Mothers 2012 Education/Learning
0874 Survey on Personal Lawsuits, 2011 Legal Training and Research Institute Law --
0875 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2012 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0877 The Survey of Attitude toward Shokuiku, 2012 Consumer Affairs and Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education) Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
(Former Name:Office for the Food Education Promotion, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
Health/Medical Care
0878 71st SJCPOLL, July 2011 Shin Joho Center, Inc. Politics/Administration/Election
0879 48th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2012 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0880 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2013.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0881 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2013.4-6 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0882 Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2011 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0883 Survey of University Students' Attitudes toward Careers, 2010 DENTSU SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Education/Learning
0884 Fact-finding Survey on Childcare Leave, 2012 Employment Environment and Equal Employment Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
(Former Name:Work and Family Harmonization Division, Equal Employment, Children and Families Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Employment/Labor --
0885 Online Survey of Attitudes toward the Declining Birthrate and Married Couples' Living Environments, 2012 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0886 61th Fact-finding Survey on the Students' Life in University of Tokyo, 2011 Student Committee of The University of Tokyo Education/Learning --
0887 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2013.7-9 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0888 Fact-finding Survey on Balancing Work and Nursing Care, 2013 Employment Environment and Equal Employment Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
(Former Name:Work and Family Harmonization Division, Equal Employment,Children and Families Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Social Security/Welfare
0889 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2013.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0890 Survey on Life Protection, 2013 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0891 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2013.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0892 Longitudinal Survey on High School Students' Career Paths (1st-6th), 2005-2011 Center for Research on University Management and Policy, The University of Tokyo Education/Learning

<< < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> Total: 1863