University of Tokyo
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<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> Total: 1863

− List of Data −
Survey No. Survey Title Depositor
(Former Name)
Topic Online Data Analysis
0281 Fact-finding Survey on the Diversification of Work Hours Management, 1998 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0282 Survey on Companies/Workplaces that Create a Positive Working Environment, 1992 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0283 Survey on Employment and Treatment of Engineers in Hi-tech Industries, 1998 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0284 Survey of Attitudes toward Foreign Workers, 1993 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
International Comparison/Diplomacy
0285 Survey of Job Selection Behavior and Professional Life among Female University Graduates, 1993 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0286 Questionnaire Survey on Part-time Work and Attitudes among Young People, 2000 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0287 Survey on the Actualities of Female Employment and Utilization of their Professional Abilities, 1999 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0288 Survey on Work Styles among Designers, 1994 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0289 Survey of Veteran Employees who Support the Workplace, 2000 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0290 Fact-finding Survey on the Life during Unemployment and Re-employment, 1999 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0291 Questionnaire Survey on Elderly People (Individuals who Completed Practical Seminar), 1998 Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
Employment/Labor --
0292 38th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2002 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0293 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2002.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0294 Survey on Relocation and Employment Life, 1990 Hiroki Sato Employment/Labor --
0295 Fact-finding Survey on Female Entrepreneurs, 2002 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0296 Fact-finding Survey on Nursing Care Services, 2001 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0297 Fact-finding Survey on Employee Representative Systems and Employee-Management Communication among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2001 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0298 Survey on Human Resource Traning and Skills Development among At-home Care Service Businesses, 2001 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0299 Fact-finding Survey on Self-employed People, 2002 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0301 Survey on Lifestyles and Attitudes among Elementary and Junior High School Students, 1995 Hidenori Fujita, International Christian University Society/Culture
0302 Survey on Diverse Employment Patterns, 2001 Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution Employment/Labor --
0303 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2003.1-3 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0304 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 2002 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0305 Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 3, 2002 (Survey on Financial Asset Selection) Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management --
0306 Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 4, 2002 (Survey on Married Women's Life Planning) Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture
0307 Questionnaire Survey on Age Standards in Recruitment and other Areas, 2002 Mitsubishi Research Institute
(Former Name:Mitsubishi Research Institute and Hiroki Sato and Emiko Takeishi)
Employment/Labor --
0308 Fact-finding Survey on the Education Expenses accrued by Enrollment by Recommendation, 2003 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Education/Learning
0309 Survey on Life Design in the Age of 80 Years Life Expectancy, 1999 Japanese Electrical Electronic &amp; Information Union Research Center
(Former Name:Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union Research Center)
0310 Survey on Employment Structure of the Electrical Industry, 2000 Japanese Electrical Electronic &amp; Information Union Research Center
(Former Name:Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union Research Center)
Employment/Labor --
0311 Survey on the 21st Century for Working Women, 2001 Japanese Electrical Electronic &amp; Information Union Research Center
(Former Name:Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union Research Center)
0312 Survey on Changes in the Japanese-style Human Resources System, 1999 Japan Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0313 Survey on Changes in the Japanese-style Human Resources System, 2000 Japan Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0314 Survey on Changes in the Japanese-style Human Resources System, 2001 Japan Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0315 Survey on Changes in the Japanese-style Human Resources System, 2002 Japan Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0316 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 2002 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0317 Survey on the Utilization of a Diverse Workforce in the Workplace, 1999 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Employment/Labor --
0318 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2003.4-6 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0319 Survey of General Personnel Needs: Survey of Specific Needs, 1999 Research Team of Human Resource Needs Education/Learning
0320 Questionnaire on Career Formation among Managers, 2003 Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution Employment/Labor --
0321 Survey of New Recruits' "Attitudes toward Work", 2003 Japan Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0322 Survey on the Discretionary Working System and Work Hours Management, 2002 Japan Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0324 Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 2001 Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Society/Culture --
0325 Survey on Companies' Human Resource Strategies and Employment Attitudes among Employees, 2003 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Employment/Labor --
0326 Survey on Balancing Childrearing and Nursing Care with Work, 2003 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training SocialSecurity/Welfare
0327 Industrial Survey on Extension of Employment for People in their Early 60s, 2001 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor --
0328 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2001.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0329 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2001.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0330 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2002.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0331 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2002.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0332 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2003.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0333 Snowball Sampling Survey on Social Attitudes and Personal Networks, 1999 Itaru Ishiguro Society/Culture --
0334 Snowball Sampling Survey on Social Attitudes and Personal Networks, 2000 Itaru Ishiguro Politics/Administration/Election
0335 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2003.7-9 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0336 Project to Promote Higher Industrial Employment in Franchise Chain Businesses, 2002 Japanese Franchise Association Employment/Labor --
0337 Questionnaire Survey on Benefit and Welfare Systems and Employee Asset Formation Promotion Schemes within Companies, 2002 NLI Research Institute Employment/Labor
0338 Survey on Household Budgets among Families with Pre-college Students, 2003 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management
0339 Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 5, 2003 (Survey on Life Planning among Single Middle and Old Age Individuals) Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management --
0340 Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 2003 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0341 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2003.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0342 Survey of Dispatched Work Trends, 2002 Japanese Staffing Services Association Employment/Labor --
0345 39th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2003 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0346 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2003.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0347 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2003 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --
0349 Survey on the Current State of Employment Management, 2002 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0351 Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 6, 2003 (Survey on Old Age Lifestyles and Life Planning among Salarymen) Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0353 Survey on the Expansion of Occupational Fields in relation to Re-employment of the Elderly, 1998 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor --
0356 Questionnaire Survey on the Employment Outlook for the Super-aging Society, 2000 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor --
0357 Questionnaire Survey on Individuals' Career Development, 2000 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor
0359 Questionnaire Survey on the Actualities of Employment among Elderly Dispatched Workers, 2001 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor --
0360 Survey on the Actualities of Companies' Policies to Cope with the Aging Population, 2002 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor --
0361 Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life among those Reaching the Mandatory Retirement Age and Others, 2002 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor
0362 Questionnaire Survey on Employment Development for the Elderly in the Service Sector, 2003 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor --
0369 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2004.1-3 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0370 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 2003 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0371 Survey on Business Starters in the Fields in which they have no Work Experience, 2003 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0372 Questionnaire on Attitudes toward "Work," 2003 Adecco Ltd. Employment/Labor --
0373 Questionnaire Survey on Employment Systems, 2001 Nippon Research Institute Employment/Labor --
0374 Survey on Childcare Leave, 2002 NLI Research Institute Employment/Labor --
0375 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2002 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --
0376 Survey on Work Styles among Part-timers, 2002 Aidem Research Institute of Personnel and Working Employment/Labor --
0377 Survey of Part-time Employment, 2002 Aidem Research Institute of Personnel and Working Employment/Labor --
0378 Survey on Work Styles among Part-timers, 2003 Aidem Research Institute of Personnel and Working Employment/Labor --
0379 Survey of Part-time Employment, 2003 Aidem Research Institute of Personnel and Working Employment/Labor --
0380 Working Person Survey, 2002 Recruit Works Institute Education/Learning
0381 Survey of Part-time Employment, 2001 Aidem Research Institute of Personnel and Working Employment/Labor --
0382 Survey on Work Styles among Married Female Part-timers, 2001 Aidem Research Institute of Personnel and Working Employment/Labor --
0383 Survey on Technical College Education and the Careers of the Graduates, 1998 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Employment/Labor
0384 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2004,4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0385 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2004.4-6 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0386 Survey of the Present-day Nuclear Family, 1999 The Institute for Research on Household Economics Society/Culture --
0389 Questionnaire on the Diversification of Recruitment Methods for Young People and Human Resources Development, 2003 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0390 Survey on Attitudes toward Employment among Business People in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, 1997 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --
0391 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2004.7-9 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0392 Survey on Household Budgets among Families with Pre-college Students, 2004 (Survey on Educational Expenditure and Household Budget) Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Education/Learning
0393 Survey on Life Protection, 2004 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0394 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2004.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0395 National Survey of the Japanese Elderly <Wave1(1987), Wave2(1990), Wave3(1993)> Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Health/Medical Care
0396 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2004 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --
0397 Survey on Attitudes toward Social Exchanges and the Actualities of Reciprocity and Gift-giving, 2002 Nippon Research Center Society/Culture --
0398 Survey of Workers in Atypical Employment, 2001 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --

<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> Total: 1863