University of Tokyo
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<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >> Total: 568

− List of Data −
Survey No. Survey Title Depositor
(Former Name)
Topic Online Data Analysis
0004 Questionnaire Survey on Daily Life among Elementary and Junior High School Students, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0005 Questionnaire Survey on Volunteer Activities, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0010 Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1985 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0011 Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1991 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0012 Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1996 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0034 "Survey on Changes among Women:" Women's Life Today and in the Future, 1980 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture
0035 Survey on Changes in the Family and Life Planning, 1983 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0038 Survey on Young People's Life Attitudes, 1985 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0039 Survey on Women's Life Attitudes, 1986 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0046 Survey on Women's Life Attitudes, 1991 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0047 Life Planning in the Long-life Era (Consumer Survey), 1992 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0049 Survey on Young People's Life Attitudes, 1993 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0050 Survey on Life Attitudes of Married Couples, 1994 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0053 29th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1993 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0062 Survey of Life Vision for the 21st Century (Union Members, Wives, Coupling), 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0067 Survey of the Commuting Situation among Commuters working in Large Urban Areas, 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0069 Survey on Work and Childrearing, 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0078 27th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1991 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0079 28th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1992 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0080 30th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1994 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0112 Nikkei Fact-finding Survey of Attitudes in Ten Countries, 1986 Nikkei Inc. International Comparison/Diplomacy
0118 Attitudes Survey among Working Women, 1992 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor
0123 Survey on Awareness of Risk in Old Age, 1998 Japan Institute of Life Insurance SocialSecurity/Welfare
0125 31st Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1995 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0126 32nd Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1996 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0127 33rd Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1997 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0128 34th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1998 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0135 Nationwide Survey on Occupation and Family Life (3rd Survey on Occupational Mobility and Career History), 1991 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Employment/Labor
0145 Social Networks and Voting Behavior, 1993 The Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP) Japanese Team Politics/Administration/Election
0154 Survey on Families and Marital Relations, 1997 The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
Society/Culture --
0157 35th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1999 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0164 Survey on Japanese People's Value Consciousness, 1991 Ulrich Moehwald, German Institute for Japanese Studies Society/Culture --
0167 Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1976 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0174 Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 1995 Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Society/Culture --
0175 Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 1997 Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Society/Culture --
0176 Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 1999 Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Society/Culture --
0182 RENGO Survey on Life Styles, 1988 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0183 RENGO Fact-finding Survey on Life Styles, 1990 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0184 RENGO Questionnaire Survey on Life Styles, 1992 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0185 RENGO Questionnaire Survey on Life Styles, 1994 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0186 RENGO Questionnaire Survey on Life Styles, 1996 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0187 RENGO Questionnaire Survey on Life Styles, 1998 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0188 RENGO Questionnaire Survey on Life Styles, 2000 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0189 Gallup International Millennium Survey, 1999 Nippon Research Center International Comparison/Diplomacy
0191 National Family Research of Japan 1998 (NFRJ98), 1999 The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
0193 Survey on the Diversification of Work Styles and Life Planning, 2000 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor
0201 36th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2000 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0247 Public Opinion Poll on Japanese People's View of Democracy and Social Capital, 2000 Japanese Election and Democracy Study Politics/Administration/Election
0257 Survey of Attitudes toward Career Formation and Balancing Work with Family, 2001 Japan Institute of Workers' Evolution Employment/Labor
0259 Questionnaire Survey of 10,000 Consumers, 1997 Nomura Research Institute Society/Culture --
0262 Survey on Values held by Consumers, 2001 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0266 Survey on the Declining Birthrate and Parent-Child Relationships, 1997 The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
Society/Culture --
0267 37th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2001 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0292 38th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2002 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0301 Survey on Lifestyles and Attitudes among Elementary and Junior High School Students, 1995 Hidenori Fujita, International Christian University Society/Culture
0306 Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 4, 2002 (Survey on Married Women's Life Planning) Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture
0309 Survey on Life Design in the Age of 80 Years Life Expectancy, 1999 Japanese Electrical Electronic &amp; Information Union Research Center
(Former Name:Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union Research Center)
0311 Survey on the 21st Century for Working Women, 2001 Japanese Electrical Electronic &amp; Information Union Research Center
(Former Name:Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union Research Center)
0324 Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 2001 Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Society/Culture --
0328 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2001.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0329 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2001.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0330 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2002.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0331 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2002.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0332 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2003.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0333 Snowball Sampling Survey on Social Attitudes and Personal Networks, 1999 Itaru Ishiguro Society/Culture --
0334 Snowball Sampling Survey on Social Attitudes and Personal Networks, 2000 Itaru Ishiguro Politics/Administration/Election
0341 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2003.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0345 39th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2003 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0347 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2003 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --
0351 Survey on Life Planning and Finance/Insurance Vol. 6, 2003 (Survey on Old Age Lifestyles and Life Planning among Salarymen) Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0361 Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life among those Reaching the Mandatory Retirement Age and Others, 2002 Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers Employment/Labor
0375 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2002 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --
0384 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2004,4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0386 Survey of the Present-day Nuclear Family, 1999 The Institute for Research on Household Economics Society/Culture --
0395 National Survey of the Japanese Elderly <Wave1(1987), Wave2(1990), Wave3(1993)> Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Health/Medical Care
0396 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2004 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --
0397 Survey on Attitudes toward Social Exchanges and the Actualities of Reciprocity and Gift-giving, 2002 Nippon Research Center Society/Culture --
0399 40th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2004 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0400 National Family Research of Japan: Special Survey 2001 The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
Social Security/Welfare
0406 Survey on Values and Lifestyles in Urban Areas in Asia (AsiaBarometer, 2003) Takashi Inoguchi International Comparison/Diplomacy
0430 Survey of Attitudes among New Adults in 2006 O-net, Inc. Society/Culture --
0489 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2005 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --
0492 Survey on Marriage Counseling and Marriage Information Services, 2005 Minstry of Economy, Trade and Industry Society/Culture --
0507 64th SJCPOLL, 1999 Shin Joho Center, Inc. Security/Crime/Disaster
0508 65th SJCPOLL, 2000 Shin Joho Center, Inc. Law
0509 66th SJCPOLL, 2002 Shin Joho Center, Inc. Politics/Administration/Election
0511 69th SJCPOLL, 2003 Shin Joho Center, Inc. Politics/Administration/Election
0512 70th SJCPOLL, 2004 Shin Joho Center, Inc. Politics/Administration/Election
0513 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2004.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0514 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2005.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0515 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2005.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0516 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2006.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0517 National Family Research of Japan 2003 (NFRJ03), 2004 The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
0519 41st Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2005 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0521 Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 2003 Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Society/Culture --
0526 Survey on Work and Sex, 2005 AERA, The Asahi Shimbun Company
(Former Name:AERA, The Asahi Shinbun Company)
0527 Nationwide Survey on Work and Living, 2003 Yoshimichi Sato, The 2003 Research Group for Social Stratification Research Employment/Labor
0531 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2006.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0537 Survey on Work Styles of Men and Women and Work-Life Balance, 2006 Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office Employment/Labor
0542 Survey on the Actualities of Pachinko Participation, 2006 Entertainment Business Institute Society/Culture --

<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >> Total: 568