University of Tokyo
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<< < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > >> Total: 1859

− List of Data −
Survey No. Survey Title Depositor
(Former Name)
Topic Online Data Analysis
0555 Survey of Individuals who Utilize Civil Litigation, 2006 Koji Shindo, Japan Law Foundation Law --
0556 Survey of Attitudes of Contemporary Women toward Beauty, 2006 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0557 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2007.4-6 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0558 Questionnaire on Living and Society, 2006 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0559 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2007.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0560 Questionnaire Survey on CSR, 2005 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Economy/Industry/Management --
0561 Survey on Worker Participation and Employee-Management Communication, 2006 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0562 42nd Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2006 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0563 Questionnaire on the Management and Future Vision of Small Companies, 2006 Research Group for Small-Business, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo Economy/Industry/Management --
0564 Survey on Labor Management at the Machine Industry in Wuhan and Workers' Attitudes toward Work, 1997 Yukihiko Kiyokawa International Comparison/Diplomacy
0565 Survey of Attitudes toward Work among Managers and Workers in India (Japanese Firms), 1998 Yukihiko Kiyokawa International Comparison/Diplomacy
0566 Survey of Attitudes toward Female Labor Force in India (Panel Survey of Delhi/Ghaziabad Factories), 1990, 1994 Yukihiko Kiyokawa International Comparison/Diplomacy
0567 Survey of Attitudes toward Female Labor Force in India (Survey of Pottery Factories of Kuruja), 1994 Yukihiko Kiyokawa International Comparison/Diplomacy
0568 Survey on Labor Management at the Machine Industry in China and Workers' Attitudes toward Work, 1991, 1995 Yukihiko Kiyokawa International Comparison/Diplomacy
0569 3rd Survey on Marriage and Childbirth, 2007 Meiji Yasuda Research Institute, Inc.
(Former Name:Meiji Yasuda Institute of Life and Wellness, Inc.)
Society/Culture --
0570 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2007.7-9 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0571 Dynamic Asian Values (Asia Barometer, 2004) Takashi Inoguchi International Comparison/Diplomacy
0572 Survey on Household Budgets among Families with Pre-college Students, 2007 (Survey on Educational Expenditure and Household Budget) Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management
0573 7th Report of Survey of Attitudes toward Marriage, 2007 Japan Marriage Introduction Council Society/Culture --
0577 Survey on Life Protection, 2007 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0578 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2007.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0580 RENGO Questionnaire Survey on Life Styles, 2006 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0581 Survey on the Utilization of Contract Workers, 2004 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Economy/Industry/Management
0582 Survey of Attitudes toward the Open Society, 2003-2004 Political Economical of Institutional Construction, Waseda University Politics/Administration/Election
0583 Panel Survey of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Research on the Factors of Sustainable Growth for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 1998-2006 Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN (SME SUPPORT JAPAN)
(Former Name:SME Support, Japan)
Economy/Industry/Management --
0584 Questionnaire Survey on Labor Union Gender, 2004 Ochanomizu University/ Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0585 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2007.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0586 Survey on Stress among Nursing Care Workers, 2005 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0587 Questionnaire on Business Succession Issues among Small Companies Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0588 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2008.1-3 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0589 Questionnaire Survey on the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu Offshore Earthquake, 2007 SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER CO., LTD Information/Communication/Mass Media
0590 Questionnaire Survey of Miyake-jima Island Returnees, 2005 SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER CO., LTD Security/Crime/Disaster --
0591 2nd Questionnaire Survey of Miyake-jima Island Returnees, 2006 SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER CO., LTD Security/Crime/Disaster --
0592 3rd Questionnaire Survey of Miyake-jima Island Returnees, 2007 SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER CO., LTD Security/Crime/Disaster --
0593 4th Questionnaire Survey of Miyake-jima Island Returnees, 2008 SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER CO., LTD Security/Crime/Disaster --
0594 3rd Social Survey on Fear of Crime in Japan, 2007 The Nikkoso Research Foundation for Safe Society
(Former Name:Research Foundation for Safe Society)
0595 Questionnaire on Cell Phones and Personal Computers, 2005 Ipsos JSR Co., Ltd. Information/Communication/Mass Media
0596 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2001-2007 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0597 Survey of the Actualities of the Management of Recruitment in Nursing Care Facilities, 2007 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0598 Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2007 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0601 Questionnaire Survey among Childcare Service Users, 2002 Consumer information devision, Consumer Affairs Agency, Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0602 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 2007 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0603 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups (special surveys), 2007 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0604 Asia/Europe Survey (ASES), 2000 Takashi Inoguchi International Comparison/Diplomacy
0605 43rd Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2007 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0606 Quarterly Survey on Small Enterprise Trends, 2008.4-6 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0607 Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2002 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0608 Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2003 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0609 Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2004 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0610 Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2005 Care Work Foundation Social Security/Welfare
0612 Fact-finding Survey on Sole Proprietors' Business Setup (Service Industry), 2004 Recruit Works Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0613 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2008.7-9 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0614 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2008.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0615 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2008.10 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0616 RENGO Questionnaire Survey on Life Styles, 2008 Japanese Trade Union Confederation Employment/Labor
0617 The Survey of Attitude toward Shokuiku, 2007 Consumer Affairs and Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education) Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
(Former Name:Office for the Food Education Promotion, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
Health/Medical Care
0618 The Survey of Attitude toward Shokuiku, 2008 Consumer Affairs and Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education) Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
(Former Name:Office for the Food Education Promotion, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
Health/Medical Care
0619 Survey on Future High School Life and Life during Junior High School, 2007 Wataru Nakazawa Education/Learning --
0620 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2008.10-12 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0621 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 2008 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0622 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups (special surveys), 2008 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0623 Survey on Young People's Life and Work, 2003 The Institute for Research on Household Economics Economy/Industry/Management
0624 Survey on Women's Life Planning Support, 2006 Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office
(Former Name:Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office)
0626 Survey on Independent Life among Elderly Men and Women, 2008 Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office
(Former Name:Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office)
0628 Survey of Senior Citizens' Attitudes toward Employmnt, 2005 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --
0629 Working Person Survey, 2008 Recruit Works Institute Education/Learning
0631 Fact-finding Survey on Collaboration between Small Companies and Universities, 2008 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management
0632 Quarterly Survey on SME Trends (Small and Micro Businesses), 2009.1-3 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0633 Fact-finding Survey on Small Companies' Contributions to the Local Community, 2008 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management
0636 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly toward Health, 2008 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Health/Medical Care
Social Security/Welfare
0637 Survey on Middle and Old Age Individuals' Preparations for Advanced Old Age, 2008 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0638 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly toward Economic Life, 2007 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0639 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly toward Housing and Living Environment, 2005 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0640 Survey on the Securing of Human Resources to Provide Nursing Care Services, 2009 Elderly Service Providers Association Social Security/Welfare
0641 Life and Attitudes among the Elderly: 6th International Comparative Survey, 2005 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan International Comparison/Diplomacy
0642 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly toward Daily Life, 2004 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0643 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly toward Participation in Local Community, 2003 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0645 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly toward Health, 2002 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0646 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly who Lives Alone, 2002 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Society/Culture --
0647 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly toward Economic Life, 2002 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Economy/Industry/Management
0649 Survey of Attitudes among the Elderly who Lives Alone and who Lives with Spouse, 1999 Director General for Policies on Cohesive Society, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan Health/Medical Care
Social Security/Welfare
0653 The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2009.4 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0654 Public Opinion Poll on the Environment, 2008 Public Opinion Research Division, NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute
(Former Name:NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute)
0655 The Survey of Attitude toward Shokuiku, 2009 Consumer Affairs and Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education) Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
(Former Name:Office for the Food Education Promotion, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
Health/Medical Care
0656 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2008 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0657 Asian Barometer 2 + CSES3 Panel Survey, 2007 Ken'ichi Ikeda International Comparison/Diplomacy
0658 Survey of Men's and Women's Attitudes toward the Use of their Ability and Life Planning, 2009 Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office
(Former Name:Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office)
0659 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2003 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0660 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2004 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0661 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2005 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0662 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2006 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0663 Questionnaire Survey for the Reduction of Working Hours, 2007 Council of Japan Construction Industry Employees' Unions Employment/Labor --
0664 44th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2008 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0665 Fact-finding Survey on Women's Makeup Behavior/Attitudes (Skincare Volume), 2007 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0666 Fact-finding Survey on Women's Makeup Behavior/Attitudes (Makeup Volume), 2007 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0667 Fact-finding Survey on Women's Makeup Behavior/Attitudes (Skincare Volume), 2008 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0668 Fact-finding Survey on Women's Makeup Behavior/Attitudes (Makeup Volume), 2008 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0669 Fact-finding Survey on Women's Makeup Behavior/Attitudes (Skincare and Makeup Volume), 2009 POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture Society/Culture --
0670 Questionnaire on Life and Social Awareness (Survey Techniques Research), 2007 Recruit Works Institute Society/Culture
0671 Survey on Earthquake with Epicenter in Suruga Bay, 2009 SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER CO., LTD Security/Crime/Disaster --

<< < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 > >> Total: 1859