University of Tokyo
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<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> Total: 1859

− List of Data −
Survey No. Survey Title Depositor
(Former Name)
Topic Online Data Analysis
0001 Labor Market Research among New Graduates (Junior High School), 1953 Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo Employment/Labor --
0002 Fact-finding Survey on Wage Setting among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0003 Survey on Young Workers' Professional and Academic History, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0004 Questionnaire Survey on Daily Life among Elementary and Junior High School Students, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0005 Questionnaire Survey on Volunteer Activities, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0006 Survey on Career Formation among Female Workers with More than Five Years of Experience and the Actualities of the Implementation of Human Resource Policies, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0007 Survey on the Retirement Allowance System, 1995 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0010 Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1985 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0011 Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1991 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0012 Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1996 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0013 Nationwide Survey on Life Insurance, 1976 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0014 Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 1979 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0015 Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 1982 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0016 Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 1985 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0017 Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 1988 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0018 Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 1991 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0019 Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 1994 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0020 Individual Survey on Social Security and Life Insurance, 1987 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management
Social Security/Welfare
0021 Individual Survey on Social Security and Life Insurance, 1988 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management
Social Security/Welfare
0022 Individual Survey on Social Security and Life Insurance, 1989 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management
Social Security/Welfare
0023 Individual Survey on Social Security and Life Insurance, 1990 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management
Social Security/Welfare
0024 Individual Survey on Social Security and Life Insurance, 1991 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management
Social Security/Welfare
0025 Survey on Life Protection, 1993 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0026 Survey on Life Protection, 1996 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0027 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1980 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0028 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1983 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0029 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1986 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0030 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1989 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0031 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1992 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0032 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1995 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0034 "Survey on Changes among Women:" Women's Life Today and in the Future, 1980 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture
0035 Survey on Changes in the Family and Life Planning, 1983 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0036 Survey on Life Insurance Products and Life Insurance Companies, 1984 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management --
0037 Survey on Elderly Life and Welfare Services, 1985 Japan Institute of Life Insurance SocialSecurity/Welfare --
0038 Survey on Young People's Life Attitudes, 1985 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0039 Survey on Women's Life Attitudes, 1986 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0040 Survey on Elderly Life and Nursing Care, 1987 Japan Institute of Life Insurance SocialSecurity/Welfare --
0041 Survey on Health and Medical Care, 1988 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Health/MedicalCare --
0042 Social Security and Life Insurance among the Wealthy Generation, 1989 Japan Institute of Life Insurance SocialSecurity/Welfare
0043 Survey on Life Planning for Old Age, 1989 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management --
0044 Survey of Attitudes of Workers toward Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1990 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0045 Survey on Nursing Care for the Elderly, 1990 Japan Institute of Life Insurance SocialSecurity/Welfare --
0046 Survey on Women's Life Attitudes, 1991 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0047 Life Planning in the Long-life Era (Consumer Survey), 1992 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0048 Survey on Working Attitudes, 1993 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --
0049 Survey on Young People's Life Attitudes, 1993 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0050 Survey on Life Attitudes of Married Couples, 1994 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Society/Culture --
0052 Survey of Attitudes toward Public Social Security and Self-assisting Efforts, 1996 Japan Institute of Life Insurance SocialSecurity/Welfare --
0053 29th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1993 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0057 Questionnaire Survey on Home-help Service Work, 1997 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
SocialSecurity/Welfare --
0058 Questionnaire on Wage System Actualities and Wage Policies, 1992 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0059 Survey on the Future Outlook for White-collar Careers among University Graduates and their Treatment, 1992 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0060 Survey on Time Reduction and Employee Welfare (Companies and Labor Unions), 1992 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0061 Survey on White-collar Mobility and Social Qualification (Working Adults/University Students/Unemployed/Housewives), 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0062 Survey of Life Vision for the 21st Century (Union Members, Wives, Coupling), 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0063 Survey of Executive Careers, 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0064 Survey on Skill Formation among Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises, 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0065 Survey of the Range of Union Members, 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0066 Survey on Working Hours and Work Patterns, 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0067 Survey of the Commuting Situation among Commuters working in Large Urban Areas, 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0068 Survey of Social Qualification among White-collar Workers (Engineers, Assistant Engineers, Engineer Trainees, Assistant Engineer Trainees), 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0069 Survey on Work and Childrearing, 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0071 Survey on Job Conversion Ability, 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0072 Survey on Employees' Employment Management and Employee-Management Relations (Companies, Unions, Individuals), 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0073 Survey on Work Problems among Mainstay-Employment Managers, 1994 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0075 Survey on Deregulations (Unions, Individuals), 1997 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0077 Survey on Management among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under the Global Economy (Manufacturing Industry, Non-manufacturing Industry), 1997 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0078 27th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1991 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0079 28th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1992 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0080 30th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 1994 National Federation of University Co-operative Associations Education/Learning
0081 Survey of Overseas Expansion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 1995 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management
0082 Survey on the Management among the Retail Industry, 1990 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0083 Survey on the Management among the Retail Industry, 1997 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0084 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 1991 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0085 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 1992 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0086 Fact-finding Survey on Industrial Accumulation in Ota Ward, 1997 Japan Small Business Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0087 Survey on the Discretionary Working System, 1994 Japan Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0088 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 1993 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0089 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 1994 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0090 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 1995 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0091 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 1996 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0092 Survey on State of New Business Start-ups, 1997 Japan Finance Corporation Research Institute Economy/Industry/Management --
0093 Public Opinion Poll on Lower House Elections (Survey Before and After the 1996 General Election), 1996 Japanese Election and Democracy Study Politics/Administration/Election --
0095 Survey on Working Hours and Time Off among Employees in Japan and Germany, 1990 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0100 Survey on Work and the Working Environment, 1991 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0101 Survey on Employment Conditions and Communication between Employees and Management, 1991 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0103 Working Hours System, 1992 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0104 Survey on Employment Policies for Middle and Old Age Workers and their Attitudes toward Work, 1992 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0106 Survey on White-collar Careers, 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Employment/Labor --
0107 Survey on Labor Union Activities in the Globalized Era, 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0108 Survey on Self-enlightenment among Salarymen, 1993 JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
0111 Attitudes toward Work and Actualities of Work, 1994 Kansai Productivity Center Employment/Labor --
0112 Nikkei Fact-finding Survey of Attitudes in Ten Countries, 1986 Nikkei Inc. International Comparison/Diplomacy
0115 Employment Conditions among those Working Overseas, 1996 Kansai Productivity Center International Comparison/Diplomacy
0116 Employment Conditions among those Working Overseas, 1997 Kansai Productivity Center International Comparison/Diplomacy
0117 Survey on Working Attitudes, 1995 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor --
0118 Attitudes Survey among Working Women, 1992 Recruit Works Institute Employment/Labor
0119 Survey on Household Financial Assets Ownership, 1997 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Economy/Industry/Management --
0120 Survey on Life Protection, 1998 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Social Security/Welfare --
0121 Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1998 Japan Institute of Life Insurance Employment/Labor --

<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> Total: 1859